Thursday, May 19, 2005

26th Wedding Anniversary

After many fightings and much quarels, after surviving through various life crisis and successfully raising two children, they start to grow old, and they each starts to appreciate the hard work contributed to the family by the other.

This was one of the very few memories of seeing my dad kissed my mum on her cheek, and it is even rarer to see the shyness & girlish expression on my mum's face. =^-^=



Anonymous said...

I wonder why most mothers most of the time choose to hide their shyness and girlish expression.
Why do they prefer to show their toughness rather than shyness? Why can't they show their weakness(es) in front of their closest?
Two terms pop into my mind : 權威性人格 & 閉固性人格.

tingzi said...

I believed they trained to be like that, specially when the motherly creatures feel their family &/or children are at threat, due to the fact that their own mates are unable to offer protection.

They have no choice but stand to be tough. Over years of training, they have long forgotten their feminity.

So I dun blame them anymore... I trust there must be reasons of what shape the person before us.

tingzi said...

My Dearest Yap~~~

The comment on me should be rephrased as "Haha, Tingzi, u are tough but still a very pretty female 貴婦狗 ah :)"

Hohohooo~~ you should join us to play squash on Sundays!!~ then followed by tea and dinner!~