Thursday, December 18, 2014

Alternative Offer

This morning, Babei opened the new toys and gave you a helicopter,  fire engine truck and a water tank truck.

You obviously favoured the fire engine truck, but you are willing to share the rest with us.

Gee: 依個比麻味既。 (遞左架直升機給麻味)
Gee: 依個比爸比既。 (遞上架水車)
爸比: 我想要依架消防車呀~
Gee: (想了一陣。。。遞上水車) 要依個好無?
爸比: 不如比依個爸比呀~ (指住消防車)
Gee: (再想多一陣。。。繼續遞上水車) 要依個好無?

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