Monday, December 29, 2014



麻味: 行快d入lift啦~ 我地去超級市場買螺絲粉,上次唔記得買呀。
Gee: (聽到后很乖的入lift。。。)

(到地面后,對面馬路有吊雞車在吊貨物,看了一陣。。。 正想回家。。。)

Gee: (眼睩睩咁望住麻味。。。) 超級市場呢?超級市場系邊度架?
麻味: (無奈地轉身回去超級市場。。。 -_-" GeeGee 記性真好。)

Wednesday, December 24, 2014


Gee 半夜醒左。。。

Gee: 錫錫麻味先~
麻味: (好眼訓,但都起身錫錫GeeGee。。。 並希望GeeGee 會自己訓返)
Gee: (訓低一陣又起身。。。) 攬攬麻味先。。。
麻味: (唯有要好。。。)
Gee: (訓低又再起身。。。) 上來攬住麻味訓!
麻味: (本來好不願意被吵醒,但又對這個建議不能抗拒。。。) -___-"

GeeGee 霸佔了麻味大半邊床,麻味有半個身在床外面。。。 因爲太累,大家都好快就這樣睡着了。 天亮的時候才發現半邊身麻痹左!!
雖然明知道不應該讓GeeGee 半夜上大床訓,但GeeGee的建議掌握了麻味不能抗拒的重點!!^o^

Monday, December 22, 2014

A Born Lawyer


Gee: 姨姨,糖糖呢?
麻味: (滴汗中。。。又真係遵守諾言沒有拿飽飽。。。拿糖糖!!!)



麻味: 窗戶的把手是用來開窗的,不是扶住的。你可以扶住依到(前座椅上的扶手),依到(前座的椅柄)同埋依到(窗戶底部)。
Gee: (重復。。。)可以扶住依到(前座椅上的扶手),依到(前座的椅柄)。。。
麻味: (一直點頭認同。。。心裏想。。。GeeGee 真係聼話)
Gee: 。。。依到(窗戶底部), 同埋上面個度 (指住窗戶上的把手!!!)
麻味: -__-"
爸比: (笑到震曬!!!)

Friday, December 19, 2014

Angel and Devil

Babei said when you are sleeping or with sufficient rest you are a little angel with broadest smile. But when you are very tired, you are a little devil who will run around aimlessly, lick all surfaces, and throw things on the floor!!

Mamei agrees. ^-^ 

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Alternative Offer

This morning, Babei opened the new toys and gave you a helicopter,  fire engine truck and a water tank truck.

You obviously favoured the fire engine truck, but you are willing to share the rest with us.

Gee: 依個比麻味既。 (遞左架直升機給麻味)
Gee: 依個比爸比既。 (遞上架水車)
爸比: 我想要依架消防車呀~
Gee: (想了一陣。。。遞上水車) 要依個好無?
爸比: 不如比依個爸比呀~ (指住消防車)
Gee: (再想多一陣。。。繼續遞上水車) 要依個好無?

Monday, December 15, 2014

Recent Chatter

Mamei and Gee were walking in bookstore and Gee spotted a big plastic Pegga Pig car containing building blocks. Gee wanted to put it on the floor and pull it around, Mamei said No.

Gee: 拉。
Mamei: (強硬地) 唔拉呀。整污糟架!
Gee: (亮晶晶的眼望住麻味) 拉一次好無? (竪起一只手指。。。) 拉一次。
Mamei: 好。 一次。 -_-"


In the morning, Gee just get dressed and waiting for Grandma to pick you up. Babei suddenly had a few huge hutchi.

Gee: (嚴厲和認真地) 爸比唔好再打乞嗤呀哈!



Walked pass Yannie Grandpa's Chinese Medicine Shop, and Gee waved to Yannie's Grandpa.

Mamei: Yannie 個公公會俾d咩你食架?
Gee: (細細聲講) 山楂餅。
Mamei: 聼唔到wor
Gee: (細細聲加奸笑) 山楂餅呀。


Walking with 公公 up the escalator...

Gee: 企定定響到,乜都唔好做!!!
