Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Memory Palace

I am sure you have an excellent memory palace, when you saw the ant in picture book, you said 婆婆, because you remembered seeing an ant on the table in 婆婆's home. You can recall all the "friends" on 冠冠's bed, including 鴨鴨,巴斯,woody and bear bear. You also able to say the insect names from the same picture book without looking at it, 螞蟻,蜘蛛,蝸牛,曱甴,蚊。

Besides throwing things at me to wake me up, you now will say "麻味起身"! You started to form short sentences like, 姨姨比飽飽, 麻味執pig pig,姨婆比餅餅.

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