Friday, August 26, 2005

No Way...

I have allowed you to deprived him from paying respect to the dead, there is no way I will permit you to bar him from visiting the alive. NOT AGAIN!

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Message Received

I vitrually had two seconds of black out when I received the message.

Future is an area that has been left untouched under a silent mutual consent. It might sound unusual to many other couples who start naming their unconceived / unborn children in early stage of relationships. Though I consider these virtual future plannings are sweet & adorable. I feel it futile & pointless to creat falseful hopes which will only turn into spiky remainders when plans are unable to realize.

I was touched. Really.

Sunday, August 21, 2005

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

This was the first and only book I read from Roald Dahl, but I forgot what I have read... just remembered I felt so tasty & delicious while reading. The movie is definitely light hearted and interesting. You don't have to think hard, everything has been plainly explained. Afterall, it should be a kids' movie. Enjoy!

Saturday, August 20, 2005


Brilliant movie! Charlie Kaufman, he was the screenplayer for "Being John Malkovich", "Adaptation" & "Eternal Sunshine for the Spotless Mind". These happened to be the type of movies that I like. It can portrait some thinkings / behaviours that words cannot precisely explain. He was like Milan Kundera, who has the ability to express the ambiguous feelings that we have.

"Adaptation" has drawn my interest to the book "Orchid Thief", I will hunt down this soon.


In view of my frequent updates of blog are done in the office, this might be a silly yet I think an effective way to disguise the true identity of the page. Anyways, the previous title is just too... hm... old fashioned.

p.s. tingzimentory as to documentary of tingzi

The March of the Penguins

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Real Me?

In a bus yesterday evening, looking at my own reflection from the window, suddenly a strong feeling tells me thet I am looking at the real me. Strangely, I was rather bad tempered lately. Yet the short temper was initiated by some fire inside myself - the desire to get things done in a right way; the wish to clear all uncertainties & ambiguities.

Used to have this feelings sometime in F.6, while I was engaged deeply in debating competitions. It was tough, but you have fully utilized every minute due to scarcity of time.

P.S. I will get my Graduation Photos finally... after 2 years. It's the real me who helped to arrange. ^-^

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Passed Away

My grandpa has been passed away for nearly 10 months, at times I would blame myself for not thinking of him more often, at time I would cry my eyes out at the thought of him. Yet these are just self consolations to make myself feel better.

The significance of his departure made me realize my weakness in loving & caring of others. We are all stupid human beings, we are unable to capture each others' brainwave without speaking / acting what we feel / want.

Chatting with siblings / parents / grandparents is sometimes boring, but you will soon find out that they just want you to listen. They will gossip about relatives, brag on their achievements and reminisce the past... it isn't a difficult task to be a listener. When you see their animated faces and contented smiles, nothing really matters anymore.

If your loved one has set off his/her way to heaven, refocus your attention to those around, and keep the deceased at heart.

Monday, August 08, 2005

Next Station

看見台前幕後對舞台和理想的堅持, 深感佩服. 也希望自己有這份熱誠. 身邊的人都喜用薪金和職位來衡量個人的成就, 有時我都不想插嘴. 對於高薪厚職和追夢者, 我還是較欣賞後者. 對劇內故事間的關係不是太可以掌握, 大抵我是劇中導演所講的一般觀眾, 太抽象的信息還是接收不來.

但我對某些對白還是有所觸動, 像光頭伙計的一句, “你呢D人明知自己想要D mud, 硬係要兜個圈去攞…”. 大家都有形形式式大大小小的理想, 當然可以直接爭取, 但這個世界除了自己還有家人, 愛人, 朋友. 不顧一切地實現夢想是很崇高但自私的行為. 我們可以做到的是在追求理想和現實中找個平衡, 昨晚我就看到了.

致 Black Out Theatre 的行政主席, 請接受這份遲來的feedback. 加油呀!

Saturday, August 06, 2005

My Colleague

Had lunch with my Guangzhou colleague. He is so proud to tell everyone about his wife, I have heard this from day 1 I knew him.

To quote:

  • 她是一個很賢淑的女孩
  • 她生存的目標是要讓我幸福和維持這個家庭
  • 她不用出去工作, 因為我不想她認識到其他男生
  • 她沒有異性朋友, 所有她認識的男性朋友都是我的朋友
  • 無論我多晩回家, 她都會調好熱水等我

I felt so sorry for his wife when I heard him bragging about all these, being isolated from society, unable to meet new friends and living like a peripheral of her man. But as I re-read it after typing it all out, I feel... ... it's fine.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Countries Visited

create your own visited countries map
vertaling Duits Nederlands

Thought I've been to quite some countries, but it only accounts for 5% only!! Australia~~ a place reserved when I / we are old... hope you can remember this... when you are old. I will keep my fingers crossed.