Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Home Sweet Home

Visited Eric's new home. It's tidy, clean & cozy. I have the same comment as Billy that the study room is the best, with floor to ceiling bookshelf on left side and working desk on the other. Simple design & light colour tone just make up his new spacious new cave.

During Scrabble & Uno game at night, we discovered that I am a '思考型' kind of person. For I scored the highest in Scrabble (which you can think as long as you want), and the lowest in Uno (quick reactions are demanded).

A strange feeling kept occurring to me during the whole visit. I felt the place would be warmer and more complete with a touch of a........ CHILD. Dunno why this occurred to me, maybe in my subconsciousness that a complete home should include the element of children.

p.s. I kept writing coz I want to keep myself from dozzing off. I raced through "Memoir of a Geisha" untill 4am this morning. Trust I can finish it this week and start a new one.


tingzi said...

hahaa~ yes? but I was kept being informed that (from various sources) I was so stern in refusing to have a BB when I was in secondary school.

Anonymous said...

I think itz worth to note that you learnt a new word that nite as well... 'LAMA'... -__-