Friday, January 30, 2015

Mamei Fainted


Gee: 麻味,你可唔可以拖住我只手呀?
麻味: (暈曬大浪。。) 可以呀!

Monday, January 19, 2015

Sweet Little Boy

麻味: (咳。。咳。。咳。。) 麻味病左呀。。。
Gee: (挨個身過來) 攬住麻味就會好返架啦~
麻味: (冧到暈左。。。)

Monday, January 12, 2015

Special Monday

Got the cold and cough from Gee and taken Babei's medicine the night before. Since the sytomps are getting worse, wanted to have medicine again after lunch, but a special hunch asked me to check first.
To save the trouble of buying tester every time, I decided to buy two this time, thinking that it will be another fruitless trial...
As usual, first line appeared and would expect it to be like this. But then a very faint line started to show... Oh My God... have experienced this a second time, I calmly went back to have lunch, but will sneakily went in the bathroom to double check if the lineS are still there, smiling all the way.
Later a digital one confirmed the good news, now we have a spare tester at home. :)

Wednesday, January 07, 2015


GeeGee 在電梯内發脾氣。。。

爸比: 返去請你吃一粒星星病好無?
GeeGee: 五粒。
爸比: 兩粒?
GeeGee: 唔好,五粒。
爸比: 四粒?
GeeGee: 唔好,五粒。
爸比: 六粒?
GeeGee: 好!


Potty Training


睡醒后突然話屙屎屎,麻味馬上拿個屎屎盆出來放在大廁所上。GeeGee 玩厠紙,沒有屎屎~ 爸比然後話,如果下次成功在大廁所屙屎屎就有朱古力吃。

午飯后,GeeGee 坐在椅子上臉色有變,爸比麻味馬上轉移GeeGee 到大廁所,好彩屎屎盆沒有收起。這次GeeGee 認真的用力了,然後聽到爸比的歡呼聲!! GeeGee 成功在大廁所第一次去大便!! 哈哈!完事后給GeeGee 一番鼓勵並獎勵M&M朱古力!!


星期日晚上。。。 GeeGee 和爸比在房間準備睡覺,麻味在沖涼。。。

突然爸比大叫"麻味GeeGee 話屙屎屎,可以入來嗎?"
麻味: (剛剛開始沖涼。。。) 可以。。。"

搞笑的情況出現,GeeGee 在大廁所努力中,爸比在旁鼓勵,麻味就繼續一邊偷笑一邊沖涼。

GeeGee 還不時在蒸汽中 buu jaa 麻味, 場面實在非常滑稽!

GeeGee 最終成功連續兩天自己提出去大測試便便,原來這小小的進步對於父母來説卻是萬分自豪。 :)