Tuesday, November 25, 2014

At 23 Months


Gee: 唔同麻味訓,同爸比訓。
Gee: 唔同麻味訓,麻味出去。。。
Gee: 開門比麻味出去先。。。 (自己開門)



麻味: 你落返自己張床到訓好無?
Gee: 好! (麻味暗喜!!)
(Gee 回到自己的床后。。。)
Gee: 我地去婆婆到吃飯咯。
麻味: !!!!!!


舅父: 舅父同你玩好唔好?
Gee: 唔好。
舅父: 舅父唔同你玩好唔好?
Gee: 好!


Gee: 依個咩呢架?爸比抱你睇下咩呢既。 (指住包糖)
爸比: 你知依個咩呢架。
Gee: (奸笑) 以個糖呢架!爸比比一粒糖朗言食。


麻味: 你食幾多條薯條呀?一條?
Gee: 一半。



Gee: (高聲呼叫) 爸比拿毛巾來!! (一秒后細細聲講) 唔好咁大聲呀,爸比拿毛巾來。



Gee: (指住看更姨姨後面個柜,講起碼3-4次) 依個咩呢架姐?
Gee: 飽飽呢?



Gee: (舉起雙腳,雙手扶住膝頭) 千其唔好郁呀哈~~

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Stuttering Log

You have recovered in time from stuttering &/or deep breathing right before the kindergarten interview on 8 Nov. Mabei & Babei are so proud of you!!

We did not observe anymore deep breathing nor stuttering since then.

Thursday, November 06, 2014

Smart Baby At 22 Months

Gee: (不慌不忙地) 叔叔,你返去訓覺啦。



叔叔: (嚴厲地) 唔!
Gee: (馬上轉身雞咁腳走返出來) 叔叔唔呀。



Gee: 不如食 MoMo 餅。
爺爺: MoMo 餅未開呀。
Gee: 咁不如食熊仔餅呀?
爺爺: 熊仔餅得返小小咋。
Gee: (繼續建議。。。) 咁不如食埋佢啦!



Gee: ABCDEFG...~~ Next time won't you sing with me ~~~
Gee: 嘩!乜你咁犀利既!(奸笑)



Gee: (飲完奶,玩奶瓶) 重有小小wor
Gee: (自言自語) 飲埋佢那!



Gee: 拖住麻味/爸比先。
Gee: (拖一陣就放開手) 麻味/爸比你自己訓那!
麻味/爸比: (-_-""")



Mamei: (打算氹你落返自己張床) 你落返自己張床等麻味整水果比你食,好唔好?
Gee: (指住大人床) 係依到等!
Mamei: (被識穿。。。)

Monday, November 03, 2014

Stuttering Log

17-18 October 2014: You started to stutter and repeat the first word of the sentence for several times like "依依依依個咩尼架?" I think you are not too consicious when doing this and sometimes you speak normally. This happens suddenly. Checked online, and seems this is a common episode for children aged 2-5. Parents are advised not to stress on the repetition and most of them will outgrow it after a while.

25-26 October 2014: Stuttering is on and off during the week, but it intensified suddenly these two days. You started to struggle and have to take a long deep breath before making the first sound and stuttered again for the first word before completing your sentence. Since you are stuggling very hard to pronounce the first word, can see you tried to force out the word, so it always ended up stuttering very loud. It really worries us.

27-28 October 2014: Spoken with Auntie Yap Choi and she reassured us that many children go through this stage. Based on the preliminary behaviours of yours, it sounded like you are at risks, however, you are too young to do any assessment and she asked us to continue to monitor your situation and logged down everything.

You got better and have less repetition. When you speak, you will take a long deep breath until you can hear the throat is rubbing itself before speaking.

29 -31 October 2014: The stuttering is basically gone without notice. However, you will sometimes take a long breath and rubbing the throat before speaking. I find you actually have spoken more difficult sentence structures after recovering from the stuttering.

We trust you can overcome!!! Add oil GeeGee!!

Naming Activity

You helped to name this amigurumi deer "支爸"。