Friday, June 27, 2014

Osaka Big Family Trip

Finally we embark our first ever big family tip, having all four grandparents, Suksuk and us three. Everything went smoothly, Yeye, Mama and Suksuk can take the same flight as us. Before getting on the speed train from Airport, you became a bit fuzzy and sleep. I tried to sing you a song, and say, 麻味唱monkey 比你聼好? You said, . -____-"" Ok fine… I hear you.
It turned out that you had a fever, so making you extra tired. You have been a good boy, behaving at your best when you had enough sleep, and only fuzzed a little bit when we were in the hot and stuffy subway.

Day 2

A Walk in the shopping mall after breakfast, a lady from the shopping bowed to the customers entering the store. You saw this and imitate the lady's action by bending low. You smiled and knew you have successfully learnt something new. 
Went to Umeda in the afternoon.

Day 3

Mommy had great time in Akachan!! Bought you a lot of snacks!

Day 4

We went to Kyoto and the grandparents changed into kimonos while we had ice cream at a roadside shop, and later lunch in the nearby restaurant. During lunch, I smelled something and asked if you have pooed…you said yes!!

Good thing is, you choose a good time and venue to poo, bad thing is, the washroom does not have diaper changing kit. So we decided to change you on the small area between the sinks in the ladies room. You are now so tall that half of your bottom was hanging off… so Daddy decided to come into the ladies room to help.

We managed to change and clean you in like 1 minute and walked out as if nothing happens. Lucky that no one came in during our business.

Light pink rashes appear on your body at night… panicked for a while… then looked up the internet and found that you were having 玫瑰疹. High fever for a few days, and when fever ceased, rashes appeared on face and later spread to body and trunks. It is normal for children between 6 months to 2 years old, harmless rashes. Good thing is the rashes are not itchy and you are basically the same except getting tired easily.

Feeling relived and proud of you for being a good boy despite feeling unwell.

Day 5

Planned to go to Kobe and even bought the tickets, but you started to be cranky when in subway. Since the train journey has to be around an hour, I decided to take you home to rest whilst Daddy took the Ng's family to Kobe. Subway gave me full refund on the ticket when I exit the gate.

Daddy gave me a live broadcast of his Kobe Beef Feast!!! Next time we should go together!!

Day 6

Coming home! You sleep well on the plane on Daddy's lap and even helped Daddy to push the trolley. Rashes were all gone the next day.

Hope to bring you travelling everywhere in the world.