Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Fliping a Breech Baby

Check up on Monday shows he is still in Breech position, i.e. head up and bottom down. Doctor recommended us to book the operating room for C section first in the week of 10 Dec (~38 wk), and in case he flip right before the operation, we can always cancel and wait for a natural delivery.

Worried about the cutting and sewing skills of my Doctor, we checked online for various ways to flip a breech baby.

Tried to put three pillows under my butt and remain in this breech tilt for 15 minutes. Yesterday, I put an ice pad on where his head is supposed to be. People says this will make him move away from the cold and helps flipping.

Funny enough, when I was in tilted position, the kicks become more severe under the belly. As if he is protesting that he is faaaaallllliiiinnnggg~~~~~

Monday, November 05, 2012

Bed is Ready

Finally moved the closet to another room and get your bed ready. Having the bed in the room makes me wonder how will it be with you lying on it, crying, wetting your diapers, drinking milk and sucking fingers... ^O^