Sunday, October 22, 2006

My Best Friend's Wedding

My best wishes to you.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

How Much Does Your Dignity Worth?


"可能你不會同意, 但尊嚴是不值錢的, 由其在非原則性的問題上. 那你就作假都要順著他們, 有需要就自動認下錯, 否則蝕底的都是你自己."

講得很好!! 但我真的不能同意, 尊嚴本身就是個原則性的問題. 尊嚴不會因應不同的情況而被掛上不同的價錢牌. 所以我答:

"okay. 但估計我還需要時間慢慢學習."

如果對你說這番話的是你老闆, 感覺真的有點灰. 尊嚴實在是甚麼? 我還是 so simple too naive 地不能清楚解釋. 只知道我還是未能卑躬屈膝笑騎騎地拍馬屁, 可能我還不夠老練, 未能看透, 又或者是我的腰骨還在.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Hi There~

It has been nearly two years, but I still cannot get over. Only wish you will know... though it is too late.

Wedding Dinners

I have attended 4 wedding dinners so far this year and 2 more are coming. Still have no single feeling of disgust when I receive the pink bombs.

At this particular moment, I suddenly understand the importance of the Wedding Dinner. It might be a show for the guests, it is part the permanent memories that are unerasable even by Alzheimer's Disease.

Imagine when you are at the age of 93, your memory is eroded bit by bit by Alzheimer's, you started to forget the names of your grandchildren, unable to recall your telephone numbers, but you can still remember the Love Declaration you read to him/her on your wedding night... how sweet will this be.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Dark Days Coming

I feel like walking slowly into a dead end tunnel. Behind me, laughters fading, lights getting dimmer.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Fingers Crossed

Where will I be the same time next year? I hope I will be embarking for another unique life experience in another part of the world... with you.

Let's get our fingers crossed. ^-^